District of Choice

District of Choice Application

Student Selection Procedure:

The Magnolia Union Elementary School District operates as a California “District of Choice” per California Education Code 48300 – 48316 The following district regulations will apply for nondistrict resident students attending Magnolia Union Elementary:

• The district will accept students as long as ‘space’ is available.

• Parents must complete and submit the “District of Choice” Application by January 1st before the preceding school year they wish to enroll their child. Applications submitted after the deadline will be placed on the waiting list.

• Parents will be notified of acceptance/denial by February 15th of the preceding school year their child may be enrolled.

• The district will accept students without regard to race, ethnicity, or gender.

• The district may load up to a maximum of 16 students per grade.

• Priority will be given to students as follows:

1. Students that are siblings of current students attending Magnolia.

2. Students qualifying for free and reduced meals.

3. Students of active duty military personnel.

Should there be more applicants for a grade than space available, selection will be determined by lot.

*The District will begin accepting Interdistrict applications on or after March 2nd of each year.


Interdistrict Application Information (InterApp)